Carrie Bradshaw, part 2.

Hah, I got you there…you thought you were in for another photo of Yours Truly posing provocatively in a blue paper jumpsuit. Sorry, no.

In fact, I am here at my desk, on this gloriously sunny June morning, to say Thank You.

To all of you who have looked or liked and especially to those who have commented and complimented. You gave me the boost I needed to take a wobbly baby step outside my comfort zone.

first professional publication, bookwitty, comfort zone,

I made an tentative approach to the people at Bookwitty and submitted this little story as, I hoped, a gateway piece. To my surprise and delight, they came back asking for some longer articles.

Bookwitty requested a Q&A format for a piece on Eat Your Books. Waaaaaah! What did that mean? Was I supposed to just contact Eat Your Books and ask to speak to the owner? Errrr, exactly, yes.

So, I did. I made believe I was some sort of proper journalist person. Okay I admit it, I landed on Carrie Bradshaw again. Sadly, still no ostrich feather dress.


Jane Kelly, the lovely co-founder of Eat Your Books, must surely have suspected that she was in the shaky hands of a rank amateur. She was gracious and kind and, more or less, wrote the whole thing for me. Click here to read my first professional article.

On the crest of a creative wave, I wrote two more articles.

This one about my sourdough bread baking adventure and this one about the SultanaBun Family Summer Holiday Book Club.

If you go directly to the Bookwitty Home Page, you will notice two of my articles right there on the front page!!! My profile and the first article were there yesterday. Heart-thumping stuff, I tell you!

I feel weirdly guilty about cheating my loyal blog readers because these would have been blog posts. Please, please, make the extra click through to Bookwitty, have a read and, if you like them, click the wit it button. As it stands, I have exactly zero readers on Bookwitty so I am relying on you! If I can make a go of this I might just be able to make a contribution to the household finances and feel a whole lot better about myself.


I’m completely flattened now so I’m going out to bask in the sunshine. The beaches are jammers and we have all stripped to our knickers. Every bed sheet in the country has been washed, our freckles are starting to blend into something approximating a tan and B&Q have sold out of barbecues. The weather has been so fine that pundits are already predicting a baby boom next March. The relationship that we Irish have with the weather is beyond ridiculous.

No links to like this week, other than my own. Now, how cool is that?

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22 thoughts on “Carrie Bradshaw, part 2.

  1. Well Done! SultanaBun, after reading your two articles on Bookwitty and perusing the Eat Your Books site. I am not only convinced you are going to see your dreams fully realized but, also can envision seeing you on The Food Network. Congrats on this first step!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love it….both sites….so happy for you….and I certainly will not have any problems following you on both sites…..your a fantastic writer…I love reading your stories and blog post…..good job!!! kat

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It starts. Slowly surely it starts. You are a great writer in the making (always in the making for any artist, I’m afraid) … I will take time to read these articles (how grown up that sounds compared with posts which always evokes fencing for me) and I know I will enjoy them. This is just the start. Remember that. And when you forget it just remember how bluddy good you look in a blue paper boilersuit 😀


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