Sweet is the sound…


Oh, the relief. We have made it through. It is, without even a shadow of a doubt, Spring.

We even ate our lunch outside, al fresco. It is still a wee bit fresco but still glorious. We sat, wearing fleeces and mucky wellies, with the sun on our faces, munching fatyer cheese bread from Lynn’s fantastic recipe. Life gets no better.

Look at this little over-enthusiastic sweet pea! He bolted off the blocks and left his buddies for dust but then got top-heavy and keeled over. I’ve nipped him off and I am rooting for him to make a comeback.


Strawflowers, turnips, fennel, giant poppies, sweetpeas, peas, broad beans, fairies…


Yes, I did say fairies. (away with the fairies have a website here)


Can anyone tell me about this magnificent creature? He’s about as big as Bernard the giant, woolly bee, here. He paused just long enough to pose for a picture before rising elegantly skyward. Edit: Thanks, Sam at A Coastal Plot, for letting me know that this is a red-tailed bumble bee.


There is a marked Aer Lingus hue to this post. Anyone else hearing strains of Gabriel’s Oboe? (that ad, here)


‘Son’, I said to the teenage boy on Sunday afternoon,’would you cut the grass, please’

‘Mum’, said he in reply, ‘there is no grass in the grass’.

He has a point.

I have heard neighbours tut-tutting at the state of our, ahem, lawn.  Look, I’m certain it’s more environmentally friendly this way.


Pulmonaria, lungwort,  or ‘soldiers and sailors’…the camouflage leaves and blue flowers; is there a more imaginatively named flower?


Pent-up, latent energy exploding.


My Spring project using the yarn so fine it could have been spun by real fairies. (Irish Fairytale Yarns, here.) The plan is that this will become a lacy shrug which I will wear casually over floaty summer dresses. A girl can dream.


An tEarrach Thiar.

Fear ag glanadh cré
De ghimseán spáide
Sa gciúnas shéimh
I mbrothall lae:
Binn an fhuaim
San Earrach thiar.

A man cleaning clay
From the back of a spade
In the gentle quiet
Of a sultry day:
Sweet is the sound
In the Western spring.                          Máirtín Ó’Direáin.


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21 thoughts on “Sweet is the sound…

  1. Look at your seedlings!! Wowser. What are you planning to do with all those turnips?! 🙂 Your little bee chappie is a red-tailed bumblebee. It’s early for him to be out and about.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Can’t wait to see your garden this summer…it looks like Spring had Sprung at your house….how magical…..and I am betting that the Irish Fairies did spin that lovely yarn….great pictures…enjoy the sun upon your face my friend…..kat

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lynda, first thanks for mentioning me! you are so sweet. next, I have always loved your blog but I have to say, your posts have evolved and become more and more lovely! the pictures of the sprouting new little plant, the talk of spring and gorgeous photos! you really know how to capture us and make us feel lovely! I also love how you described your knitting project-” lacy shrug which I will wear casually over floaty summer dresses.”Anyway sorry to blab on but I am a big fan! xxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Lynn, first, thank YOU for always being there on the sidelines cheering me on! Next, that BREAD! Absolutely delicious! It was a massive hit with the whole family.
      You have a big fan here!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. There is no grass in the grass – that made me hoot! I thought spring had sprung here but we seem to be facing a forecast of snow at the weekend (after temps in the 70s over the weekend). Bah! Even a Snow Queen like me can feel enough’s enough. Your post has put the Spring back in my step – it just oozes Springyness 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. My grass is exactly like yours. Lots of other things make up the green colour! I haven’t attempted to cut it yet. You might have a beehive close by, as the bees test their wings again in the sunshine. And I read somewhere yesterday that they love dandelions, so a messy lawn is doing them a favour!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi,
    The flower that you have, the lungwort, is blooming in my garden right now! That amazes me! My husband’s Mom dug it up from her grandma’s house when she passed away and it spread all over the shady side of her house. When my mother-in-law passed away I took a start of it and never knew what it was. We have always called it Grandmother’s flower and now I know what it is. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Impossible not to be happy after reading this post. Love the seedlings, love the bee, LOVE that you have various green stuff rather than grass (grass is over-rated and moss is under-rated). Enjoy your spring x

    Liked by 1 person

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