La Procrastinabilita and Montalbano.

That is my favourite Italian word. Procrastinabilita. To procrastinate, as you know, means to put off until tomorrow something which ought to be tackled today (pro meaning towards and cras meaning tomorrow). La procrastinabilita is a statement of just how put off-able the task is. For example, this pile if ironing is reaching the very limit (il limito massimo) of procrastinabilita.


Italians also talk about la non-procrastinabilita. The un-put-off-able-ness. You might like to use this word when discussing personal hygiene with teenagers.
I make a very lazy effort to refresh my Italian by following a couple of nice food blogs (this and this) but I picked up this word from my favourite TV detective. Introducing, Il bellissimo, Commissario Montalbano.

Luca Zingaretti plays Salvo Montalbano, an endearing, Sicilian detective who prefers to dine alone so that he can really savour his food (I like that!). Some of the minor characters are a bit dodgy but the show has an authentic atmosphere which is charming. It has been running on BBC4 on Friday nights (Italian with English subtitles) but it’s also available on DVD.
I’ve only read one of the original books by Andrea Camilleri, The Scent Of The Night. It was an altogether classier affair than the show with wry humour and beautifully evocative writing. Here’s a small flavour;
‘The north wind was blowing so icy and insistent that instead of brightening the colours of the morning as it had always done, it was carrying them away, erasing them by half, leaving behind only after-images, or rather faint blotches of the sort made by a Sunday water-colourist.’


Montalbano is the real deal; dark and strong and very satisfying.

2 thoughts on “La Procrastinabilita and Montalbano.

  1. Do you like pulpy crime novels? Donna Leon writes a satisfyingly terrible series about Commissario Guido Brunetti. It’s as much about the food as it is about criminals. He’s either eating or thinking about what his wife is planning for him to eat. Ian and I call him Commissario Bruschetta.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Rachel, that gave me a giggle. I think Donna Leon writes with old-fashioned elegance and a charming wit. A new Brunetti would regularly feature on my holiday reading list. They are in no way challenging but, as you say, very satisfying. Thanks for leaving the very first comment on my neonate blog!


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